October 2, 2024

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AI adoption in business - embracing the future with confidence

Is AI right for your business? Here are some indicators that your organisation could benefit from AI integration

Artificial Intelligence (AI) often conjures up images of robots, dystopian futures, and even Hollywood blockbusters like The Terminator or I, Robot. It's no surprise that there is fear around AI and how it can impact business, specifically people in business which often creates resistance to exploring the benefits of AI. But what if we shifted our perspective? Instead of viewing AI as a threat, what if we saw it as an invaluable team member - one that supports daily activities, shares the workload, and drives business growth?

The fear that AI will replace jobs or disrupt industries is valid, but it overlooks AI's true potential. AI isn’t about replacing humans; it’s about augmenting their abilities. By taking over repetitive, mundane tasks, AI allows your team to focus on higher-value work that requires creativity, emotional intelligence, and complex decision-making.

When is AI the right fit for your business?

Is AI right for your business? Here are some indicators that your organisation could benefit from AI integration:

  • Repetitive processes at scale: Does your business involve large-scale repetitive tasks?
  • Data-intensive operations: Are you frequently moving, copying, or transposing data across systems? Do you employ a “data transponster” or two (sorry, not sorry for the Friends reference!)?
  • Stable systems and data: Do your systems and data remain consistent and reliable?
  • Focus on data quality: Are you striving for high data quality with minimal error rates?

If these scenarios sound familiar, then AI may be perfect for your business.

Key AI tools for business efficiency

There are several AI tools that can transform the way your business operates:

  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR): This technology converts physical documents into digital data, streamlining workflows for companies dealing with large volumes of paperwork.
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA): RPA can be hugely advantageous for companies who deal with reams of written documents or have repetitive processes as it can automate repetitive tasks like data entry, freeing up your team for more strategic work.

These AI-powered “team members” can work 24/7, don’t take holidays or time off for sickness, and more importantly can free up hours of time for human employees to focus on more meaningful, interesting tasks that require judgment, creativity, and empathy.

Real-world applications and success stories

At Jumar, we’ve helped numerous clients automate and simplify their processes using AI. For example, we’ve programmed ‘bots’ to make decisions based on the data available to it and it even has the ability to rate the quality of its own work, to provide assurances and control back to the company.

These bots have achieved remarkable results including huge increases in productivity, while significantly reducing errors. The challenge with high-volume data entry is that human fatigue can lead to errors—numbers might be transposed or incorrectly recorded, or spelling mistakes and abbreviations creep in. None of this applies when a bot handles the task. Bots are programmed to input data exactly as received, consistently following predefined rules and parameters without deviation.

We have trained bots to recognise and extract key data points from various types of forms, whether they follow a fixed format or a more variable structure. These data points might include part numbers, supplier details, addresses, or dates. We have demonstrated how, once a form is received, the bot automatically processes the information and converts it into a format, such as an XML file, that can be seamlessly uploaded into a client’s system. This solution is particularly effective for companies that handle significant volumes of paper forms. Additionally, we provide training to help businesses learn how to train and manage these bots themselves, empowering them to control and optimise their AI processes in the future.

Beyond these technical gains, the most significant benefit is the positive impact on staff. Instead of fearing that “the bot will take my job”, a progressive company will instead be thinking, “in what way can I now challenge and grow this staff member, now they have more time to take on a different or more complex role?”. 

Embrace AI as a strategic advantage

So, while AI in business can be a somewhat scary prospect, it is also one that offers significant benefits and opportunities for those businesses brave enough to welcome and embrace a new member to the team.

Ready to explore how AI can revolutionise your operations? Contact us to learn more about integrating AI as a vital part of your team.